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Energy efficiency, optimised HVAC and sustainability in commercial buildings

Our solution automates and optimizes HVAC in commercial buildings.
We help our customers offering a good indoor climate, and
simultaneously reducing CO₂ emissions and energy costs.

Optimize HVAC

ClevAir™ software optimises your ventilation in real time based on measurement on occupancy, air quality, and weather forecasts.

Reduce CO₂ emissions
and energy usage

ClevAir HVAC optimization cuts overconsumption, resulting in
15-25% less energy consumption and CO₂ emissions.

Maintain good
indoor climate

Real time measurement
stabilizes the indoor climate regardless of occupancy
or weather.

Integrate with or
without a BMS

ClevAir can optimize HVAC controlled by a BMS or with out a BMS. With ClevAir Gateway (4G) we connect to your ventilation system and communicate with most protocols.

Man checking building data on phone and laptop

News and Press Releases

Awarded technology

Together with our customers ClevAir™ has in 2024 saved:

6 million

kWh energy saved


tons of CO₂ emission stopped


average energy saved per building

Contact us for an evaluation
on what ClevAir can do
for your building.

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