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ClevAir AS has signed 10 Principles to avoid Greenwashing

Rain in Oslo, Photo: Anne Lotika Gullichsen

The EU Parliament introduces a new law banning greenwashing and misleading product information. Sustianability and environment has become a daily theme in many media. But it is important that sustainability does not become a «buzz word» without meaning and greenwashing has been observed. A greenwasher choose to profile their company as climate friendly eventhough only a small part of their business has reduces the climate footprint. In Denmark the first company (a car producer) has January 2024 been accused as using misleading green marketing and more will most likely follow.


In Norway the organization Skift has created 10 principles of good sustainability communication. ClevAir AS has signed these principles and we commits to:

  1. Being honest and compliant
    ClevAir must be careful when using words such as green, sustainable etc. if not, at the same time, explaining and documenting what has been done or is to be done. We shall not adapt results from tests and surveys to our own advantage.

  2. Making sure that the sustainability is not only a job for the marketing department
    We will continue to have a holistic approach to sustainability of the business and will continue to measure our groth in reduced CO2 emissions and m2 that we energy optimize.

  3. Being carefull when communicating the importance of sustainability, nature, climate, human dignity and ethical trade if we do not take actions ourselves
    ClevAir, and our owner Opt-E, are delivering SaaS and do not have production, which makes it easier to get an overview. We take th producer responsibility seriously and our suppliers of sensors are rated Ecovadis Gold.

  4. Avoiding obscuring or undercommunicating our own emissions and negative impact on the climate, nature and people
    Everyone has the opprotunity to reduce our climate footpring, in ClevAir we should start measuring the emissions from ex. work trips. As a principle we travel as little as possible, but could switch car and plane travels with train. Our workplaces are shared offices and centrally located with good public transport connections.

  5. Being careful not spending the marketing budget on actions that do not have a significant reduction of our climate footprint 
    ClevAir choose to share experience of our customers. We will spread knowlegde with transparency on results of reduced energy consumption, reduced emissions but also challenges and tips from our customers. 

  6. Avoiding buying good conscience through climate quotas or by letting other people pick plastic

  7. Using established third party certifications

  8. Being careful when using expressions like "better for the climate", "better for the environment" etc.
    At ClevAir, we shall clearly communicate that the best energy is the energy that we do not use!

  9. Being careful only using the UN sustainability goals that we deliver on

  10. Being careful using donations and sponsorships as evidence that we work with sustainability


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